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    Tested with timeit 100000 iterations:

    using a loop = 0.009008507011458278,
    using all(list comprehension) = 0.04262416099663824,
    using any(list comprehension) = 0.04675498099823017.

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    not an issue or fixed

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    It's a very strange proposition for a kata. I, too, came to search the comments for an explanation!

    I almost didn't want to to do it because it felt so artificial, like something I would never actually want to do. Lots of people rated this highly, however, and I DO want to do it, just... not sure which language to choose at the moment.

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    The solutions with all works in a similar manner

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    Expected and actual params in the fixed tests were flipped. Fixed.

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    It's not broken, you just aren't accounting for padding.
    The random tests are encoding it, then decoding. However due to the way it encodes, strings who's length is not divisible by 4 will have padding added in encoding.

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    If you look at the example I try to show what I mean. Say you have an image:

    A B C
    F G H 
    K L M
    N O P

    G and L are the only pixels with 8 neighbors present but each pixel still needs 8 for the filter to work. A only has 3, so the other 5 have to come from somewhere else; for this algorithm you should use the edges/corners own values. So with A the other neighbors in relation to the whole image (besides B, F, and G) will look like:

    A A B
    A A B C
    F F G H
      K L M
      N O P
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    I thought it's clearer this way, I don't think codewars language has any approximately equals thing, and it's a bit unreadable. All random tests do the rounding to 6 places.

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    I've updated the colour to the same colour Codewars uses. :-)

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    Not a problem. Is the yellow still too bright? or the white?

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    Hi @mywtfmp3, is that better? please let me know if the new colour of yellow looks better and I'll updated all my katas.

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    I had the same problem. Notice in the description of the problem that the result should be:
    "(rounded up to the next integer)"

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    Which intention do you see behind?:-)

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    Description says:

    return a positive integer unless conditions are not fulfilled in which case return -1

    If bounce == 1, conditions are not fulfilled so return -1.

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