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    Look more like it's on the harder side of 7 kyu to me.

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    Fyi there is a typo in 'Wrog number of dices'. Obviously isn't a big deal, just wanted to let you know.

    Thanks for the kata.

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    Can anyone explain how the *ages works?

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    Ah I see. Thanks for the response and a fun kata.

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    Isn't there a way to fix the fact that there are katas on this site that have solutions that literally do not work anymore?

    1. Either we find out there should have been more tests to properly test the description, so tests are added and solutions that no longer pass are deleted. This seems like the best choice.

    2. Or just roll with it and change the description to allow for that.

    But not option 3, where we add tests later and leave old solutions up. The top solution on this kata literally doesn't work. Seems annoying if someone gives up (perhaps because he had problem with new tests) and the top solution just has same problem as they did.

    Not sure if author can do something with this, but just seems like a scenario that shouldn't be on the site at all.

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    I understand this is an old kata, that you might not want to change, but would it be a big change to move one of the 'non-sensical' strings from the 'attemp' test cases into the ones shown before attempting?

    The explanation doesn't prepare you for that and I feel like most people will start solving for the obvious easier solution.

    If there was a test case under the names with a string 'fzFlp bS' it would be much clearer without practically changing the kata at all. Just moving an 'example' of random tests into the preview ones.

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    Clever, but am I wrong thinking this isn't best practice? The built in function are fine to use, but it just seems like dividing it into more lines would make it more useful to anyone who ever has to look at it.

    I'm assuming that's how it was made originally and then just put into one line for nice submission?

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    It is allowed to use IDE and then copy paste into cw though, right?