hi, one of the tests are failing for me (nottest != notatest), the one thing I don't love about this Kata is that I don't even really know where to start when trying to debug that problem as many different combinations can yield the result nottest :\
like a lot of other people have said, definitely seems like a harder than 5 kyu exercise. Feels like at least a 4.
hi, one of the tests are failing for me (nottest != notatest), the one thing I don't love about this Kata is that I don't even really know where to start when trying to debug that problem as many different combinations can yield the result nottest :\
yup absolutely right, updated
okay, issue with assertEquals fixed, thanks again @OverZealous :)
thanks! Edited :)
Noted and edited, thanks :)
oops, yeah Ill go back and correct that assertEquals, however the runs out of money is by design and I've updated the description to note that.