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    Two things:

    • The input matrix is flattened
    • You need to return an array, not int* outsz

    Fun kata, vague instructions.

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    nice kata!

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    Lack of support for C# 12 is a general problem for the whole Codewars, and not an issue specific to this kata. Closing as not a kata issue. The support for C# 12 has already been requested.

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    Wen .Net 8.0 / C# 12 so we can use collection expressions and inline arrays ? …

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    I've lost my sanity

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    Overall, a fun challenge, though I agree with those who are saying the test for the empty list goes against the instructions, as it is not n x n. Yes, there is a note about it and the fix is pretty trivial, but trying to explain it away as a design choice is just silly. It's a bad design choice.

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    OP solved it, closing

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    Seems like you forgot to handle edge cases for [[]], OP solved it though, closing

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    OP solved it, closing

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    Find repeating patterns in the algorithm, normalize it into some code statements. You do not need to go through all N squares and check whether each of them have been visited upon every iteration.

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    OP solved it, closing

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    Wow, such a fun kata.

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    Amazing kata i am proud finishing this!

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    Language used : C

    Could someone tell me what is that uncheated snail ? Is it an empty one ?

    It seems the very last attempt (the 15th ?) crashes (signal 11 : SIGSEGV)

    [EDIT]]finally got that last little devil...

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    def snail(array):
        return super(array)```to see if this is possible thank goodness it's not
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