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    Added 100 random tests

    Expanded the description with clearer examples

    Specified in description two cases where the function returns -1: insufficient funds and exceeding the available days of vacation compared to rental days

    Enhanced basic examples

    Fixed issues causing false positive test results in certain programming languages (e.g., JavaScript)

    Added logging of input data (m, k, cost) in case of test failure for better debugging

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    Also, invalid input is not specified to return -1. Insufficient availability is different from insufficient funds; it should be specified separately.

    ( eleven languages while in Beta ?!? )

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    Resolved in this fork

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    Fixed in Python

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    updated to F# 6.0 + NUnit, using tuples

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    added some time ago

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    funny how 4 others did it as well

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    Nice to hear, thank you!

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    I will write a usual review. the original translator is still around so I won't hijack the translation yet.

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    I can, later today or tomorrow.
    The solution setup looks good, so if you approve and problems are found, tests could be improved without invalidating solutions.
    After skimming briefly over the code of tests I did notice one or two WTFs, but nothing what couldn't be fixed after approval.

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    Thanks, I fixed the first issue, and I also attempted to patch up the fstring loop-hole. Let me know your feeback!

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    What's wrong with "eval"? While you have to deal with other problems except calculating strings as values, I think using "eval" is defntely okay.

    Evaluation at runtime of values provided by user is hardly ever a good idea, for many reasons, but main of them being security: it will wreak havoc if user solution returns something like "system(wipe_hdd)" or "apt_get install mymalware" etc. That's why eval should not accept user input, and when it does, the input must be properly sanitized. Except it's difficult, and users can obfuscate input in ways which pass sanity checks and still execute malicious code (for example a JSFu*k expression, or similarly obfuscated). Even if eval can be sometimes used safely with user input, it's difficult and it's just better not to.
    Calling eval with your own input, which is not derived in any way from user input, might be not that bad, but it's usually unnecessary: if it's you who builds the input, you usually already know how to evaluate it.
    There are also secondary reasons like performance, poor user experience, etc. but vulnerability to user-crafted malicious inputs is one of the main factors.

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    Yes. If you persist to change the description, I will delete that line.
    I've received lots of people telling me to read the Kata Authoring Guidlines, I've read it many times, ofc.
    Why think this kata won't get approved without seeing others' reactions? It is a humiliation for an author to unpublish a kata by himself, after spending hours creating it.
    Thank you for your suggestion. I hope to see you again. Have a nice day.

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    1. Yes. It's becuz you already can't use some Python modules in Codewars.
    2. At first I tried to use the module "py-expression-eval" but apparently Codewars doesn't support it.
    3. What's wrong with "eval"? While you have to deal with other problems except calculating strings as values, I think using "eval" is defntely okay.
    4. Yes. While most of the low-level katas are similar, IMO this kata is just a higher level of summation compared to other summation katas.
      I hope you can understand it.
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