
Don't know how this "kumite" stuff works yet, so i may be doing sth wrong.
This is about finding better/more efficient ways to permutate a list starting with my sorry attempt. The result requires types of the typeclass Ord, to get a common result for the test cases. Havent thought about a way to solve that differently yet.

module Permutation where

import Data.List (sort)

permu :: [a] ->[[a]]
permu []  = [[]]
permu [x] = [[x]]
permu x = fuzz (length x) 0 x
        where fuzz l n (x:xs) |n == l = []
                              |otherwise = map ((:) x) (permu xs) ++ fuzz l (n+1) (xs ++ [x])
permutation :: Ord a => [a] -> [[a]]                           
permutation x = permu x