@RedIronRaven: practicing and learning about Python's many builtin functions.
I feel the same way so much
The same question..... ok, it's NATO - but how to access it? Whe the structure of this dictionary?
Dictionaries are the way to go here and I should have used them for that
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
so how does one get from basic multiline solutions to this is my question.
Found It! Thanks :)
Hey sorry if this is a noob question but how do I access the prloaded Nato dictionary in python?
Nice Kata! Learnt a lot abut regular expressions! :)
The case is 10000 123 +. The result seems obvious
10000 123 +
According to the algortihm 10000123+ should evaluate to 5 right? Am I missing something?
I cannot pass one test case in Python. How does 10000123+ evaluate to 10123? Can anyone help?
Oh wow. My solution feels so stupid now xD
You do know that using the "in" operator has a compexity of O(n) too right? The time complexity of your code is basically the same as OP.
Great use of the range function. Creating a range function is O(n) right?
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@RedIronRaven: practicing and learning about Python's many builtin functions.
I feel the same way so much
The same question..... ok, it's NATO - but how to access it? Whe the structure of this dictionary?
Dictionaries are the way to go here and I should have used them for that
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
so how does one get from basic multiline solutions to this is my question.
Found It! Thanks :)
Hey sorry if this is a noob question but how do I access the prloaded Nato dictionary in python?
Nice Kata! Learnt a lot abut regular expressions! :)
The case is
10000 123 +
. The result seems obviousAccording to the algortihm 10000123+ should evaluate to 5 right? Am I missing something?
I cannot pass one test case in Python. How does 10000123+ evaluate to 10123? Can anyone help?
Oh wow. My solution feels so stupid now xD
You do know that using the "in" operator has a compexity of O(n) too right? The time complexity of your code is basically the same as OP.
Great use of the range function. Creating a range function is O(n) right?
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