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    Thank you kgashok! I tried to mark the kata as ready now - hope that worked!

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    Completely agree with comment by JoshSchreuder: better description, clean up spelling mistakes and change expected return value as it is not an integer.

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    Very nice kata! And again stunned about the plentitude of ways to tackle problems like thise. Clear requirements and ample test cases. Nice one!

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    Very easy kata. As per other mentions.. more and random test cases would be good.

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    New to JS and as many suggested below it is not really clear how to return the result. I got thrown off a bit by the single quotes in the displayed testcase, and figured it must be something else than an object literal - mapped my answer to JSON (which turned the properties into quoted property format) and it got accepted.

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    WOW - I will revisit this one a bit later :) Just started JS and hardly dabbled with async, the concept of promises was totally alien to me. Excellent learning point for me and been reading up, testing script bits on JSbin. Thought I had a reasonable grasp of the fundamentals of JS, well.. hmm.. someone just popped the bubble :)

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    Description could be clearer to prevent confusion as noted by many others. Test cases should reflect the requirements better. Very simple kata, which sounds very complicated by it's description.

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    I TOTALLY agree with the button being more prominent. I am still new to CW and I struggle to locate this button every time. Why not have this action in the same area where you bookmark the kata? The number of upvotes sits there too, but it is not clickable. Makes no sense at all. I just completed a fun kata in beta and struggled with this (again) hence me looking for an 'could be improved' comment.

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    Fun Kata! Some of the solutions provided by others blew me away - very clever as I learnt about a new operator in ES6. Requirements and conditions are described properly and thanks for providing a hint to fundamental information.

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    I totally agree with computerguy103 - the requirements reads 'remove all values from list a, which are present in list b', to me that means that b could be 0, 1 or more values and the test cases should test for that.

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    Hi AA481 - the task is to solve this kata using a recursive function. The number of iterations that it is going through is being counted. Using array methods as you do does not meet the requirements and you 'solve' the problem in 1 iteration, where in this case 8, 9 and 12 iterations were expected. Read the kata requirements and try again?

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    I really liked this one! I had to look up how exponential decay works and I see a lot of different implementations here. Gonna read up a bit more :) Thanks for a practical approach with a good story line.

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