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    Also once a kata has a single solve it cannot be deleted anymore.

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    Well, CW is not supposed to be used this way. You can send your pupils/students solving problems here, but teaching material very rarely fits a good kata. Moreover, CW lacks a lot of tools you'd probably want for the pedagogic side of the work. For those, you should look for (link at the bottom of the page. Not free, but designed by the authors of CW, for this kind of purpose. Among others).

    On the other hand, you can create your own kata and keep them in draft state. That way, your pupils still can try them if you give them a direct link to the trainer, but they won't be able to "submit final".

    edit: I strongly discourage you to keep publishing those kata, though : when they are published, they become public, and they'll "hit the wall" of the beta reviewers. So it might make the experience rather unpleasant for you (and the reviewers, possibly x) ).


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    Hello, I'm actually using codewars to teach in high school, I was planning to delete those katas afterwards anyway, I didn't know there was a moderation.

    Sorry for making you lose your time, I hope it's okay if I continue and triage them afterwards.

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    Same problem here (see you other kata) -> Unpublishing.


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    • No random tests
    • duplicate of too many 8 kyu tasks


    If you're interested in authoring kata, you should read the docs about it before your next try.
