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    Was struggling with the same problem for a good few hours...

    Like @K01egA mentioned above it might be a problem with the input values, sure was the problem in my case

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    Got the same error. Angle Test works fine, have no idea where to look further.

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    If the list input contains any invalid values, discard it entirely

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    I am struggling with exactly the same issue, but in Python.

    I amended my code to maintain the size sum of all inserted blobs, and it does indeed come up to 570, which means that the fixed tests are correct, and that there is a bug in both of our codebases.

    That's all I know for now.

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    I would focus on testing the angle-test: where you make sure the right blob is targeted when their sizes and distance to them are equal. Make some unit tests to ensure that it functions as it should in all angles.

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    I have failed on the random tests, and need some help.
    The test which fails: expected:<[[10, 7, 570]]> but was:<[[12, 7, 582]]>
    I have printed out all the blobs and summed up the sizes and got 582, so now I have no idea what could go wrong in my code...
    Give me some hints pls.
    (My solution is written in Java.)

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    Wtf guys? Why is this marked as a solution?

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Actually, I have finished this kata already. :)
    It was only the understanding of this task what got stuck me in the same place.
    I was searching for a complex task to solve, but figured out it is not that complex, just have to step back and look from another angle. After you realize the problem, the solution is not that hard.
    Thanks the reply btw :)

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    Hi, I had the same feelings when I started on CW and found this kata. If you don't know anything about classes and objects, begin there. If that part is good, check on "linked lists" and that should be good after that. Formally, a node is a Node object with two fields: a value and a successor. Here, the value has no interest and only the successor is needed, which you can access with the method node.getNext() (the exact call might depend on the language).

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    I don't know anything about Nodes. Can someone give me a hint how should I start to solve this kata?
    I cannot get any fix starting point, not even understand the details...
    I was really surprised when read the "it should be a 5kyu or 6kyu, not a 3kyu" comments while I am unable to start it...

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    It doesn't generate infinite number of primes.