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    Sorry that took so long. I tried approving it before work, but didn't know how to. Just approved the Ruby translation. If you want to add the random test that would be great. If not I can do it my next day off.

    I was going to start working on preemptive priority scheduling with aging next. There are a couple other types of scheduling, but most are just combonations of FIFO, SJF, RR, and priority scheduling. The rest involve multithreading which I'd love to do. I don't think codewars and handle multithreaded code, and to simulate deadlock on a single thread seems a little too complex. So I was going to start working on A* search algo. and some graphics programming concepts (spline, matrix manipulation, etc.).

    Today I of doing some scoreboard simulators http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoreboarding . It's more of the hardware side of the CPU which can become important when fighting for nanoseconds and/or writting code optimizers.

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    Thank you for the addition! I think jhoffner has already approved the Ruby translation, but if you want to add random test to the other languages feel free. I didn't even know the unit tests could run code like that. That's really cool.

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    It looks like the description is missing a quotation.
    plan = ['NORTH', 'SOUTH', 'SOUTH', 'EAST', 'WEST, 'NORTH', 'WEST'].
    should be
    plan = ['NORTH', 'SOUTH', 'SOUTH', 'EAST', 'WEST', 'NORTH', 'WEST'].

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    The wording on the problem is a little tricky. It only checks for adjacent negation, so [N,W,S,E] is valid because N,S and W,E are separated by at least one direction.

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    Currently I cannot get the hiragana and katakana sections to work. The solution probably involves encoding the alphabet, key, test string, and solution, but I'm not that familiar with encoding yet. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

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    If you can you should make this for Lisp or Racket. Lambda calc is the core of Racket.

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    Thank You! I just fix them, so let me know if you find anything else.

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    Thank You! I was just wondering if I did that. Just changed it; let me know if it need to add anthing.

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    Could you add a little more detail to the descripion. Like if empty array return -1 and only contains possitive integers. Also some initial test cases would help (just so lazy coders don't have to make their own). Other than that I think this is an interesting problem. Kudos.

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