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    I think you'll get both separate and combined scores

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    is there somewhere one can easily see which versions of each language are being used for katas in codewars? I was particularly looking for what swift version was being supported, but am interested in all languages

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    Swift 5 apparently supports implicit returns, so maybe this kata needs to change?

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    hilary, no indeed - I have submitted disable for both eval and Kernal#eval some months ago and I think they've been pulled in

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    I am not sure I understand why errors need to be thrown for certain uses of the id function ...

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    interesting kata - I feel like this deserves a 2-kyu rating at least ...

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    nice kata - had fun - however I think that the test cases could be a little more robust. If you look at my solution I think you'll see it's not very generic, i.e. it works in the dead end case because I'm assuming that the exit is in the opposite corner of the mine. If there were a couple more dead end test cases with the exit in other corners of the mine I think that would prevent a few non-generic solutions ...

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    Would be great if the API could return the same data as on user profile pages about which kata they have completed - that would allow many other educational systems like MOOCs and so on to integrate with codewars.

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    it did - thanks MMMAAANNNN :-) and I've plugged the instance_eval hole (I think)

    However - I don't know where to go to get that link - I guess I can construct them from memory going forward :-)

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    had another look, but still no - can you post me a screenshot?

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    ooh, a cool feature for a clan (and the main leaderboard) could be a movement arrow for positioning for each warrior in the clan ranking, so that it showed up or down depending on the last ranking held by that warrior, so for example, if you had previously ranked 10 in your clan, and you moved up to 9 you'd get an up arrow next to your rank, while if you slipped back you would get a down arrow.

    And you could time box it to say a week earlier, and if you didn't move in your ranking you'd get a sideways arrow ...

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    I'm stick on the exact same issue ...

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    how about being able to belong to more than one clan?

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    I've now completed the sequence on ciphers, and it seems to me that I'm going to have to at least complete all the 1,2,3 and 4-kyu to get 1-kyu, if I want to do it via the smallest number of individual kata. I think that will be sufficient if I can also learn enough Haskell to master the 2-kyu Haskell kata; otherwise I'll have to do a job-lot of 5-kyu into the bargain.

    The sequence on ciphers makes me think that we could perhaps build interesting story arcs over sequences of kata ...

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    I would love to see the Dan levels supported as described in

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