hahaha, you could also reduce it more with let t = this xD
let t = this
一開始把 return false 放在 else if 下面 導致只要一不符合條件的時候就會跳出function,而沒辦法 go through 整個 array。
Main motto is to convert both sides of equation to same format. So either toUpperCase() or toLowerCase() will do.
Why uppercase instead of lowercase?
Loading collection data...
hahaha, you could also reduce it more with
let t = this
一開始把 return false 放在 else if 下面
導致只要一不符合條件的時候就會跳出function,而沒辦法 go through 整個 array。
Main motto is to convert both sides of equation to same format. So either toUpperCase() or toLowerCase() will do.
Why uppercase instead of lowercase?