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    In C++ the random test cases sometimes have two leading spaces or two trailing spaces between words. This invalidates my code because I don't randomly assign double spaces between words. I'd like to pass the kata without spaces being thrown in randomly into test cases.


    Expected: equal to QnAabZnlZMJUsay mWvgxkDBSeWPreWiBUJHxZGay mmafzbQXIafYFay Yay kMQWHurQxJlHXOay
    Actual: QnAabZnlZMJUsay mWvgxkDBSeWPreWiBUJHxZGay mmafzbQXIafYFay Yay kMQWHurQxJlHXOay

    The comment preview doesn't show the inconsistent whitespace, but if I open the comment editor the problem reappears. This is not the same problem as whitespace at the beginning or end of the string, this is in the middle of the phrase.
    Do you see it? Between mmafzbQXIafYFay and Yay in the "Expected" field there are two spaces for some reason between these words.
    In my "Actual" field I have correct spacing between the words. What gives?