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    Thanks ! I will check that out :)

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    Is there a way to browse Katas I did not finished in a specific language ?

    Right now when I select "Language: C#" & "Progress: Kata I have not completed", Katas I completed in Haskell but not in C# do not appear in the list.

    To put it in code, what I want is (All_C#_Katas - Finished_C#_Katas) instead of (All_C#_Katas - Finished_Katas).

    Do you know how to show this list ?

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    The tests fail because of precision problems.
    Please add a tolerance for the last decimals or specify how we should round it.

    Illustration of the issue:

    Falsifiable (after 11 tests and 1 shrink): 
    expected: [89.63306372438379,179.26612744876758,268.8991911731514,358.53225489753515]
    but got:  [89.63306372438379,179.26612744876758,268.8991911731514,358.5322548975352]