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    You are correct - constablebrew. I have updated the tests with your suggestion and also updated the assumptions in the Kata description to make it explicit that input order of the array should not matter.

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    Hi OverZealous,
    Thanks a lot for letting me know. I have fixed the typo and the example test cases should be working correctly now.

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    In this Kata the example test cases enumerated are -


    But when I try to run my solution against I get the following -
    Test Failed: Expected: [null], instead got: [[1,3],[2,4]]

    I am not able to see a test where the expected result is [null]. What am I missing ?
    To make things more confusing if I submit my solution it passes all the tests...

    I am the author of this Kata, but am new to authoring Kata's in Codewars. I am pretty sure I have not put any test cases where [null] is an expected result, but I might be wrong about that since this is my first Kata and there is a good chance I might have screwed up something.

    Please let me know if this is the wrong place for this question...