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    Great kata!

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    Pozdrawiam rodaka :) Nie dziwie sie ze to kata rozwiazano tylko 129 razy w ciagu 5 lat :)
    I greet my compatriot :) I'm not surprised this kata was solved only 129 times within 5 years :)

    Hats off to all non-natives who solved it :)

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    Now only shuffled strings are tested in the second test suite, and the number of tests is 100. Your solution gives erroneous result only when the string's first or last letter is the same as pattern's first/last letter. That's interesting and could be easily fixed (actually with 100 tests your solution has become obsolete, but infinitesimal chance remaines).

    Yet it's pointless for me to continue working on it, as the kata has already been sunk by downvotes of high-ranking users. It will never get out of beta, given how many low-ranking users would have to vote it up and how rarely beta kata are completed. Anyway, thank you for your interesting solution, and have a good afternoon ..or whatever time of day it is in your timezone now, mine is afternoon:)

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    @rowcased I tried your solution several times and it failed only with a couple of right-wrong tests, but still failed. So you must have been lucky:) Nevertheless, I don't deny test cases should be improved

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    Because making a remark in a friendly way and without malice presents a problem?

    /edit On hackerrank for example in almost every task when boolean is expected they want sth like 'YES'/'NO' to be returned and nobody has a problem with it

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    It's absolutely ok. There's no 'myob' pattern in 'ownyourbusinessmind'. Take a look once again. This test checks valid string, and then the same string with words shuffled. In most cases it should be false, but sometimes may happen true. /edit maybe "Result" printout is replaced; it comes from solution, not from your code, I'll check it

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    May I ask for some little hint, as a beginner? What advanced topic (data structure or something) do I need to know to complete this?

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    Oh, I see. Thanks for info, hobovsky.

    @Chrono79 Of course. I marked it as a spoiler, saw no effect and marked it again, didn't think about the delay. Second mark unmarked it :)

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    I don't think it can be explained clearer. Is 995 recursion repetitions really too many in Python? Read with understanding, please.

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    My recursive solution which easily passes in JS throws repetition limit error (995 times) in Python, when the second number is >995. If anything, such error should be thrown with many many more repetitions. Please fix it.

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    A little offtop. Please review and approve my PHP translation of your emirps kata here. Test cases are identical to Python version. Although you're active in recent days, my suggestion in the said kata discourse remains unanswered (You probably didn't notice or don't even revisit such old kata and I would wait and wait..). /edit: It's a pity that there's nothing like private message here.

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    What I wanted to say was that PHP version should be as demanding as Python version :D

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