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    I confirm that the typo still exists

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    1. print the inputs, so that you can see them in the console
    2. with that point above, "6 should equal 5" tells you all you need to know: 6 is what your code returned, 5 is the expected value.
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    I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't able to explain my issue properly; I have a piece of code that passes a few tests that I run locally, but I'm unable to pass the "hidden" tests of the kata because I receive the message

    "6 should equal 5". 

    Ok then, what is the test that fails? How do I debug code that fails to pass a test I don't see?

    Test.assert_equals(get_total_primes(10, 100),  4)   # [23, 37, 53, 73]
    Test.assert_equals(get_total_primes(500, 600), 3)   # [523, 557, 577]

    These tests pass; every other test I can imagine and write passes as well.

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    just add print('something') to your code. Also make sure the code doesn't time out by including something like if b > 1000: return 'stop'. This way you will see the printed output.

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    Well, if I can, please tell me how :) I looked for a button that uncovered the hidden tests for quite a long time.

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    @pochmann: look at my solution, you'll see the thing at the first line of code. ;)

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    or you need to know the right tools to solve that as a 6kyu. ;) (this kind of problem is pretty generic on CW. Maybe we are too much used to them...)

    hint: try to find a way to not generate the useless numbers in the input range (note that this kata wouldn't be so much easier in a language other than python. That should give some hints too. ;)

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    The point is that you learn how to debug your own code, receiving inputs you don't know about. Here, on CW, you're not on codefight: you can print/see the inputs of the "hidden" tests... ;)

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    What is the point of having tests that do not cover all the cases covered by random tests? My code fails because of a test I can't see. So I must guess what's wrong without actually knowing what's wrong. It's pointless (also, against TDD).