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    Ty, this was a great walk through TDDing a problem for me, a recent bootcamp graduate.

    suggestions -

    1. after
    it("pushes digits to the stack",()=>{...})


    it('ends a program correctly', () => {
    1. missing definition from level 5:
      , Pop top of stack and output as ASCII character

    2. Perhaps extend test time limit for random movement to 15. When I had console logs in my solution, I would reliably fail this at 10ms execution time.

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    Fixed, thanks for the review.

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    If you read the description, you'll find that's the whole point.

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    The original has many translations, it seems like it would be far easier to just fix those issues than to rewrite all those.

    Perhaps this kata could be used to replace the original kata's JS translation, and entire description (without the additional TDD stuff maybe).

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    • The explanation of backtick ` is wrong in description
    • The explanation of p is missing
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    The use of it.skip in the sample tests just skips every test except the first one altogether. It's most definitely inappropriate.

    Besides, it should up to the one writing the code to decide the order in which they should implement the operators.

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    If anything, the original one probably should be retired since there are many problems with the original kata. Closing.

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    Duplicate of Befunge interpreter. "It provides a more detailed test suite" is not a reason to create the same kata.