Hey @mildlyeastern,
That's a great question! It's referred to as a ternary. It's a one line conditional statement where the condition is followed the truthy evaluation followed by the else. So like this:
condition == true ? ifConditionWasTrue : elseIfItWasNot
if (condition == true) { return ifConditionWasTrue; }else{ return elseIfItWasNot }
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Hey @mildlyeastern,
That's a great question! It's referred to as a ternary. It's a one line conditional statement where the condition is followed the truthy evaluation followed by the else. So like this:
condition == true ? ifConditionWasTrue : elseIfItWasNot
if (condition == true) {
return ifConditionWasTrue;
return elseIfItWasNot
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