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    It's been a while so you've probably learned this, but you can change the tests.

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    You need to check the length of the output string, not the input string, this will fail on valid inputs with sufficiently large whitespace.

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    list is a python keyword, so change it to lst or l or something similar that isn't a python keyword or module.

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    It's alloways great to make more katas for this platform, but I feel like this idea has been done hundereds of times over. Maybe try adding your own little spin and some random tests.

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    There weren't tests like that?! I just wasted time then.

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    I honestly expected the test cases to be better with some of the values being "[", "'Hidden'", "'", ",", " " etc.

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    Seems good now

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    Can't find it now

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    Ok, now it's 100% fixed. The problem was that the numbers generated were completely random insted of being from the charaters list used for the other tests. All ASCII codes should now translate to a charater in string.ascii_letters, string.punctuation, or be a space.

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    I don't see any changes:

    input: 6770759978108109981011166512186678767788367731217810077978310377115109887177109898089761209812082103111103110701131119970114821107310011786681188410874116661221119011910788711141171108672118851068510811970118102819811969988998114651198810065791061061111021158685767573117847483751051051068687979098103677772112103111114866510183104112117658411112197113120
    should equal

    Definitely not ascii... based on the description the input should look like "067070075099...`

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    Could you link the duplicate?

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    Fixed, just found out that some characters in string.punctuation in Python were registered incorrectly like '\x04' (End Of Transmission). All string lengths should be divisible by 3 now.

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    Fixed, some charaters used were registered incorrectly like '\x04' (End Of Transmission).

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    Seems to be a good start, although it would need some polishing (e.g. better tests). That is, if it was not a duplicate...

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    Random tests seem pretty broken, e.g.:

    input: "6546747872114478338596911711288681098910310411941109107103427679124113100801046437696767981017197901061026269123478010233939811440451008395893868108784659726284781081206899923637781188611610071367411661624512367728567631251139711864"
    should equal
    • string size not divisible by 3
    • expected output is not ascii
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