Confused as to why this solution is considered best practice and clever. It's a fairly simple solution that is at least O(n^2) for a problem that can be solved in O(n). The (!!) operator is also fairly inefficient.
Counter(arr).items() returns a list of [(key1, value1), (key2, value2), ...] where the keys are the distinct numbers in arr and the values are the occurrences of that key in arr. You can pass this into the max function with a custom key to retrieve the max value. The key takes in a (key, value) instance and compares it against other elements by first comparing x[1] then x[0] where x[1] is the occurrence of that number and x[0] is the number as stated before. You need to apply [0] to the outputted (key,value) of the max function to obtain the distinct number.
Nice but you are counting every digit regardless if it is in digits_list. Not too important but would speed up your solution for large integers_list and small digits_list.
How curious that all these people put that redundant code at the end...
Confused as to why this solution is considered best practice and clever. It's a fairly simple solution that is at least O(n^2) for a problem that can be solved in O(n). The (!!) operator is also fairly inefficient.
At year 1: f0=10000
At year 2: f1=10000-10000=0
Therefore at the end of year 2 John still has a non-negative amount on money.
This would occur if n is a single digit number, because the product of all the digis in a single digit number is that number.
Instead of this:
perhaps use this:
This is a 6 kyu? You are basically given the program in the description.
function could be improved vastly, check out Blind4Basics solution for inspiration.I would not consider this the best solution since this problem can be solved in
.I agree,
adds an extra loop that is not necessarily needed.Counter(arr).items()
returns a list of[(key1, value1), (key2, value2), ...]
where the keys are the distinct numbers inarr
and the values are the occurrences of that key inarr
. You can pass this into themax
function with a customkey
to retrieve the max value. The key takes in a(key, value)
instance and compares it against other elements by first comparingx[1]
is the occurrence of that number andx[0]
is the number as stated before. You need to apply[0]
to the outputted(key,value)
of the max function to obtain the distinct number.This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Better safe than sorry I guess. In this kata it is not needed however.
Nice but you are counting every digit regardless if it is in digits_list. Not too important but would speed up your solution for large integers_list and small digits_list.
This didn't age well.
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