Control Flow
Basic Language Features

Nigelius is a new Hero in Mobile Legends, and you are invited for an interview by Shanghai Moonton
Technology for a game developer position. Nigelius the Bloodborn has a passive skill that increases
his damage for every 250 HP he has, and your task is to code this skill. The increase goes as

at  250 HP    +1 damage
at  500 HP    +4 damage
at  750 HP    +9 damage
at 1000 HP    +16 damage
at 1250 HP    +25 damage
at 2000 HP    +64 damage
at 2250 HP    +81 damage

That is, we determine how many chunks of 250 HP Nigelius has, and then we square it to get the bonus
damage. Write a function getBonusDamage given the current health of Nigelius.

Nigelius does not get fractional damage bonuses, in other words, 500 and 600 HP will give him +4
bonus damage. 749 HP will also give him +4 bonus damage.

function getBonusDamage(currentHP) {
  return Math.trunc(currentHP / 250) ** 2