See the issue above, already resolved tho.
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agreed, but not an issue.
How about it throws a ZeroDivisionError?
0^0 = 1 -> 0^1 = 0
Yes it's very good material, I include it right now. Thanks tim_othy.
(mode, key) better than (formula, root), thanks tim_othy ;-)
You're right, I was thinking in to use intervallic terms (1 2 3 4 5 6 7) instead notes to explain the problem but this changes the solution and maybe it's still not clear. Maybe with a picture could be more clear, I'll try it.
But in this kata we want to mantain the notes notation sequence.
Maybe it's not enough clear/visible yet... ;)
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See the issue above, already resolved tho.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
agreed, but not an issue.
How about it throws a ZeroDivisionError?
Yes it's very good material, I include it right now. Thanks tim_othy.
(mode, key) better than (formula, root), thanks tim_othy ;-)
You're right, I was thinking in to use intervallic terms (1 2 3 4 5 6 7) instead notes to explain the problem but this changes the solution and maybe it's still not clear. Maybe with a picture could be more clear, I'll try it.
Maybe it's not enough clear/visible yet... ;)