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    Thanks (◕﹏◕✿)

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    got it

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    Okay I believe I followed the proposed solution of "unique" scores by comparing the values formatted to one decimal points, if there are same values I create a new list for testing, else I continue.
    As for the i, I had it just for my logging purposes, so I removed it.
    Let me know if this satisfies the criteria that was originally posted.

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    So I ran some tests, and it seems that there isn't secondary sorting based on id:

    Test Case: ['B000 - Bruce Wayne - 100', 'A000 - Alfred Pennyworth - 100', 'K000 - Kate Kane - 100']
    Attempt: [('B000', 100.0), ('A000', 100.0), ('K000', 100.0)]  | Desired Answer: [('A000', 100), ('B000', 100), ('K000', 100)]
    Test Case: ['100 - AaBb - 100', '990 - CcDd - 100', '555 - EeFf - 100', '90 - GgHh - 100', '9354 - IiJj - 100']
    Attempt: [('100', 100.0), ('990', 100.0), ('555', 100.0), ('90', 100.0), ('9354', 100.0)]  | Desired Answer: [('100', 100), ('555', 100), ('90', 100), ('9345', 100), ('990', 100)]

    If you want, I can add secondary sorting. As it is now, my solution (the attempt above) only sorts based on grade and keeps it in the same order rather than sorting based on alphanumerical characters in the id.

    As for the other notes you left, I believe I implemented them (I learned more stuff on test cases!).

    EDIT: I should have refreshed before submitting... whoops >u<

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    I will look into it thankyou, you are very fast w(°o°)w

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    fixed - thank you for letting me know ^v^

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    I believe I fixed what you were stating - sorry for the delay

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    Fixed 。◕ ‿ ◕。

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    Added a custom comparator and fixed this!

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    Do you mean a (string, float) is bad?

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    Just solved it using brute-force cause I gave up at trying #thiswasrough

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    When you say this do you mean instead of having a list of possible cards i.e. ['A','K','Q','J','10'-'2'] just have a list of possible numbers [13-1]

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    I've been looking into it and the game itself sometimes never ends, especially when it doesn't shuffle. Random cases makes it difficult, I took down the problem and will make changes until it satisfies the feedback.

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    I will solve the first problem, as for the second, I looked into it but haven't seen it

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    I will look into it

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