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    Awesome thanks, I wouldnt have gone with star as that makes me think of staring a challenge much like a github repo rather than a bookmark. Does the job though!

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    In the stats section of my profile I can see achivements (165) but what are they? It would be good to have these as badges or something to look through as I have no idea what they are and are kind of pointless right now

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    Use the star below the kata rank to bookmark it, click it again to remove it from your bookmarks.

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    Is it possible to add a kata to a 'do later' or favorites? I often have multiple tabs of kata that I find intresting in different languages that I work on side by side. This could tie into a training plan and add suggested ones based off of your selections.

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    The closer you can get to that right now is: or in the trainer, click on Past Solutions.

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    Is it possible to separate the languages you complete one kata with?

    What I mean is: When I complete a kata with for instance Java, it should be marked as completed only for Java. If I then return to the same Kata and instead do it in C++, it should be marked as a new completion. It should also show which languages I have completed a kata with, and which I haven't.

    Is this possible? I'd love to see this implemented, as I know and learn multiple programming languages, so I'd like to keep my memory refreshed with each of them and complete the same case with different languages to remind myself of the differences between the languages.

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    Generally do not use this. It creates a new String for each concatenate (iteration of the for-loop/execution of the '+='). Instead, use a StringBuilder with .append(String) instead.