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    Description changed, not to what you wrote, but I think it addresses the problem.

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    The description is very ambiguous, especially the Input -> Output code block.

    I finally solved a 5 or 6 kyu that was worth 8 kyu hahahaha

    My answer was:

    (summation 3) ->  6 (1+2+3)
    (summation 8) -> 36 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)

    But don't pass the test, just need the total of the sum LOL.

    The fixed description is:

    Summation (Adition)

    Write a program that finds the summation (adition) of every number from 1 to number.

    For example
    (Input -> Output):

    (summation 2) -> 3
    (summation 8) -> 36