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    Explain what gives "" pls
    I really dont understand((((

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    I'm not a great coder (just adding that up front), but I have used the Kata to get better (I think, and hope). My approach is to solve the problem however I can. Once I have code that is good enough, I go back to it and see if I can tidy it myself. If not, fair enough. Submit, and then I read other solutions.

    For the other solutions I read and try and udnerstand them. I try and work out a the solution seems to be showing off (just trying to use the least lines of code for reasons I don't understand), or if they are doing something I would like to learn.

    If a solution is doing something I want to learn I may try and use that on the next kata, or just go and read up on it.

    Every so often I go back to solutions I wrote long enough ago that I think (hope), I am know significantly better. I then try rewriting with my current knowledge. I leave it awhile because if I have just learnt something new from another solution and try using it, chances are fi am just copying someones elses approach, not really understanding and applying it.

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    I had another onstance of this, one (I assume random), test fails. But if I try again and don't get that test I pass. The test that catches my code is:
    ['69', '83', '53', '62', '52', '10', '79', '30', '33', '89', '26', '45', '75', '51', '25', '73', '52', '100', '82', '6', '20']
    '101002025263033455152525362669737579828389' should equal '100102025263033455152525362669737579828389'

    The test ['10','100'] causes my code to fail.

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    I have checked the validity of this kata and working fine since 2 years ago.
    I don't know about the list but it should be another problem if it could not detect the fix of the katas.

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    Is this kata currently working (in python)? There was old discussion of it being broken, and I assume it was fixed, but it is also listed on github as having broken tests.

    If it's working, then I'm stumped :(

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    In the code you have included you are printing your solution, you need to return it.