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    Looks good to me. Sorry about the late reply. Resolved.

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    Hmm.. It reproduces 20/20 times, so it looks like my code really is too slow. The speed seems to decrease exponentially with the number size.

    How large numbers are expected to be handled? Maybe you should put that in the instructions.

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    Just curious - how many tests are you running for the python solution? I've optimized my solution already several times and the test fixture tests complete in about 15ms, but submitting the solution still yields a timeout after 6000ms every time..

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    Thanks for the suggestion. Description updated.

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    Wind direction is the direction where the wind is blowing from. Runway heading is the direction of the runway from the perspective of the arriving plane. Equal directions therefore mean that the wind is blowing directly from ahead (180 degree difference). HTH.

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    I am the author of the original kata (python, haskell and js versions).

    The java version was added after the kata graduated by another codewars user (Azuaron). I am slightly allergic to java, so unfortunately I'm not interested in maintaing/fixing that version.

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    Thank you for the detailed explanation.

    Looks like this bug affected only the python version and it is now fixed.

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    I just tried hard to reproduce this with no luck.

    Can you add print statements for the function parameters so we could try to find what what input causes the solution validator to fail?

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    Thanks for the findings! These are now fixed.

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    Description corrected. Thanks.

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    This issue report is too vague to take action on.

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    Randomized testing is now added for all languages.

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    bkaes: Thank you for the explanation and the randomized testing example, really appreciated. You should be listed as a collaborator for this kata.

    I have now added randomized testing for all languages.

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    Fix confirmed.

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    I get this error when submitting:

    NameError: name 'rotn' is not defined

    Looks like the problem is in your solution validation code.

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