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    Right now the sample tests are identical to the actual ones, to ensure what is checked up, therefore the suggestion may be closed

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    This is an ongoing issue which I need to find a way of clarifying for people. Some kata provide example tests cases and others do not. If no test cases are provided, then some instructional examples are shown to help you create your own. Clicking "Run Tests" runs your example tests, which you sometimes have to write yourself (as you would if you were doing this with TDD style of development). If you submit your solution, the actual kata tests will be ran to verify it.

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    Yeah the issue here isnt't that the example tests are "broken", but that they just aren't provided. Not all kata have example tests (just like all of the code your write on your job doesn't magically come with tests already written for you).

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    This is a good exersise to learn about Freeze, however please make it clear that the test cases do not work...I can only assume people will waste time like myself :P