• Custom User Avatar

    Thanks, fixed.

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    In the TypeScript translation of the kata, running the kata fails because of the first two lines in the sample tests (the reference directives). However, if I replace

    	/// <reference path="/runner/typings/mocha/index.d.ts" ></reference>
    	/// <reference path="/runner/typings/chai/index.d.ts" ></reference>

    with the following:

    	/// <reference path="/runner/typings/mocha/index.d.ts" />
    	/// <reference path="/runner/typings/chai/index.d.ts" />

    it works as intended. Not sure if this only fails for me, but this fix should work.

  • Custom User Avatar

    You're welcome! :]

  • Custom User Avatar

    Yes, you're right. I thought the debug output looked strange. I should have used concat instead, thanks!

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    You do realise that Array + Array casts both of 'em to Strings, don't you? And String also happens to have indexOf, and V0 just happens to come before V0+ .. :confused:

    You'd have a most interesting bug when V0- is introduced before V0.

  • Custom User Avatar

    I believe this is actually an issue with the test cases themselves, as some people have pointed out already.
    The test case in question uses the parameters [1, 7] and [1, 8], which should return 0 but the test case wrongly expects 1.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Hey! I've added a Clojure translation for this kata a while back. Would be great if someone could review it!