Hi, I know it's been I while, but if you have any further feedback I would appreciate it. If you can show evidence of the random tests failing, please provide that and raise an issue. Meanwhile, I have run your code over and over again, but it passes every time. Thanks for commenting, and glad you enjoyed it!
recursion and closures.
Neither. Best I can say is always try to solve a task by solving its subtasks. Good luck!
yes, I originally did it in Python while completely ignorant of the built-in, lol, then I was all like WTF when I saw the solutions
Yes. I retrained this kata in java after "cheating" with python. Totally worth it.
Hi, I know it's been I while, but if you have any further feedback I would appreciate it. If you can show evidence of the random tests failing, please provide that and raise an issue. Meanwhile, I have run your code over and over again, but it passes every time. Thanks for commenting, and glad you enjoyed it!
Good luck!
AHA! Your soul has been tempered, tried, tested, and triumphed! You are more powerful now and will take the next challenge with no fear!!1!
@tsp888 if you are noob here, please check the last asked questions in the discourse section.
If you'll scroll down you'll find atleast 20 such questions.
Not an issue. 7th column has multiple