Trick question regarding the initial wordset. Katas should be confined to testing knowledge of python rather than tricky stuff like the initial word List
I've published another Kata on extracting a closed contour from a Black and White image. I have code that generates images with random curves and contours, but I do not yet have any random tests in the Python Code wars testing framework, since I first wanted your comment on whether this Kata has any chance at all in being accepted. If you think this Kata has a decent chance of being accepted, then I will start generating random test cases using the codewars framework.
Am I the only one confused by this? :-)
Maybe I'm over thinking this.
I feel what you really need to do is add extra information to number 4 as that is the source of confusion.
If the value of both die are the same and he lands on any square other than 100, then that player will have another go. However, if he lands on 100 with value of both die being the same, then the player wins and does not have to roll again.
Obviosly str must return in list in () instead of []
'<solution.Vector object at 0x7fb67b7f3dd0>' should equal '(1,2,3)'
What is this issue? Its working fine on IDE
Trick question regarding the initial wordset. Katas should be confined to testing knowledge of python rather than tricky stuff like the initial word List
The tests have a problem! agreed
Thanks :-)
Hi, Thanks for your feedback. Fixed. I've added the import numpy as np line to the initial solution
Also, I'm going to unpublish this for the moment until I have random tests working. Was the description easy to understand?
Dont wait for others to import libs for your tests
Please don't link to kata edit page...
I've published another Kata on extracting a closed contour from a Black and White image. I have code that generates images with random curves and contours, but I do not yet have any random tests in the Python Code wars testing framework, since I first wanted your comment on whether this Kata has any chance at all in being accepted. If you think this Kata has a decent chance of being accepted, then I will start generating random test cases using the codewars framework.
The kata is here
Thanks and Best wishes
Note: I've unpublished this for the moment until I can add the random tests. Are you still able to see the Kata?
Please add the tag recursion as well since Recursion can be used to great advantage here.
Those who are looking particularly for recursion problems will find this one
Am I the only one confused by this? :-)
Maybe I'm over thinking this.
I feel what you really need to do is add extra information to number 4 as that is the source of confusion.
If the value of both die are the same and he lands on any square other than 100, then that player will have another go. However, if he lands on 100 with value of both die being the same, then the player wins and does not have to roll again.
Thanks :-)
Updated Description
Hi @adrian.eyre
Here is a statement from the problem description
Return Player n Wins!. Where n is winning player that has landed on square 100 without any remainding moves left.
So, if he rolls (1,1) to get to 100, it means there is a remaining move left, no? If not, the problem statement is confusing
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