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    The same issue in Javascript \ EDIT javascript tests work but in really wierd way. I didnt return ANY value and i passed 6/7 tests. Only first was failing as above.

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    • How do you propose this should be moderated?

    • How can you differentiate between who's cheating and who isn't?

    • Who defines what cheating is?

    • What if I google a known algorithm and copy paste it. Is that cheating?

    • What if I have a code snippet of constructing an AST, DFS or whatever algorithm on my PC and I paste it here, how do you know if I googled that or not?

    • Should I just know how to write interpreters and build AST simply from my own head?

    • ... The list goes on and on...

    Put simply, it's not feasible to moderate cheating on this level.
    The main category, that is somewhat moderated, is people copy-pasting top solutions and submitting them as their own. These people do get banned, but anything less suspicious seems extremely hard, if not impossible, to combat.

    Either way, I can't really see how googling for algorithms would be categorized as cheating... We're not robots... not yet anyway.

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    Yeah, i didnt clicked second time( I removed code and then clicked submit when i knew its gonna fail) and i don't see this solution in the newest section in this kata so i think it worked. I just don't like the fact that i still don't know why this solution works haha

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    If you saw that it works, you didn't need to click 'Submit' the 2nd time...

    The action of submitting a solution is irreversible. If you only attempted a solution, it won't show up in the list of solution, but show that you completed it, which should be good enough.

    Either way, this isn't a big deal...

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    I have the same problem as flutedOg. I submitted solution from the internet(i came up with few not enough efficent by myself) to check if that one will work and it got completed automatically :/ Can some admin remove it from my stats ? i am talking about The Millionth Fibonacci Kata