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Custom User Avatarmonkingxue
5 kyu
Custom User Avatar软院左左
Tongji University449
5 kyu
Custom User AvatarEol01
Kyoto University416
5 kyu
Custom User Avatarwxy325
5 kyu
Custom User AvatarLexieAlreadyTaken
Tongji University329
5 kyu
Custom User AvatarChase the Throne
Tongji University317
5 kyu
Custom User AvatarFlawless_CK
Tongji University313
5 kyu
Custom User AvatarDling_Liu
Tongji University283
5 kyu
Custom User Avatarxutao
Tongji University273
6 kyu
Custom User AvatarAcclerator
Tongji University196
6 kyu
Custom User AvatarCharlotte Fan
Tongji University171
6 kyu
Custom User Avatarethansure
UCI 2017169
6 kyu
Custom User Avatarecnelises
Tongji University139
6 kyu
Custom User Avataraapetsi
Tongji University126
6 kyu
Custom User AvatarCircleCircle
Tongji University125
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