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    Could someone explain me the problem that how the we are getting the ouput i am not able to understand @GiacomoSorbi or any one else and how the pair are forming

    input "15 20 60 75 80 100"

    for this pair of discount,initial can be 15 20 , 60 75 , 80 100

    so for this all the discount prices could be 15 , 60 , 80 so how the output is 15 ,60 ,75

    input 9 9 12 12 12 15 16 20

    for this pair of discount , initial will be 9 9 , 12 12 , 12 15 , 16 20

    so for this output will be 9 , 12 , 12 , 16 so how the output is 9 , 9 ,12 ,15

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    here how did u handeling the case when aug is negative and large enough such that p0 will never be able to reach p

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    For this question i have written the code but for this test case

    Testing for Ivan, Dick: expected [] to deeply equal [ 'Ivan', 'Dick' ]

    i am getting this but here as the two names have same length so we must return empty array and for this part i have written the logic so why my code is getting failed for this test case

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