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    to be completely frank, i see @akar-0's point as irrelevant to my suggestion.

    plenty of katas specify a max value for an input. that is the suggestion i'm making - not to explain an implementation or arbitrary list of possible solutions. like you said, "stating limits of problems is always [a] good thing."

    additionally, it's difficult to pin point advantages and disadvantages without knowing the constraints of a problem, regardless of skill level. i'd even make the argument that beginners especially are given constraints to guide them in the right direction, and that a beginner submitting a recursive solution would have trouble debugging their work given the current state of the kata.

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    what exactly is your point?

    as i just stated, mainly for context at that, in my case, i had an issue with my original implementation when n > 8059. i'm aware a recursive approach is inefficient for some values of n.

    i was suggesting that the description be amended to hint that a recursive implementation will timeout because it is not clear how large n can be.

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    for the js/ts version of this kata (and wherever else this may apply):

    a note should be added to the description that the function is expected to handle large values of n. additionally, at least one test case should be added reflecting this caveat.

    i originally went for a recursive solution, and based on the test cases, i was surprised to find that my original implementation timed out (when n > 8059 in my case).

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    @Rlaur2 how so? it would be great if you could explain your thinking instead of providing a baseless response. furthermore, simply adding "challenge: complete this kata without converting value to a string" to the end of the description would do the trick. anybody who wants to can, and those who don't can just ignore it.

    i also took a peek at your solution and as i suspected, you solved this kata by converting value to a string. i originally completed this kata in typescript, but i completed it in javascript just to show you how it can be done. feel free to take a look if you aren't already familiar with the implementation.

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    awesome kata!

    in the spirit of diversifying solutions, a nice amendment to the description would be challenging folks to implement the function without converting value to a string 😁