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    In Haskell there should be "where" after instance Show Tree and instance Eq Tree. Not a big deal, but it took me a while to realize what is the cause of a syntax error.

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    Thanks, I managed to fix the issue. Awesome kata!

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    Hi, for the Haskell version my code is failing with:

    the higher frequencies are, the lower the length of their encoding should be (can also be equal for non-powers of 2)
    Falsifiable (after 1 test): 
    expected: GT
     but got: LT

    however I find this message somewhat unhelpful, I can't figure out what is the root cause, what is being compared to what, or what frequencies are used.

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    The function signature is wrong. Return type should be a string.

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    Oh, that makes a lot of sense! Thank you.

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    Hey guys, regarding the Haskell translation, in one of the hardcoded tests it expects a hull of [(1.0,20.0),(5.0,6.0),(6.0,20.0),(15.0,19.0),(19.0,4.0),(20.0,4.0)], which doesn't make sense...? Going from first to second to third means turning left, and from second to third to fourth means turning right, but should't we only turn in the same direction? Or am I missing something?