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    I can prepare a fork with a fix if you want, but I need some time.

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    using namespace std; is not needed, and in case of this particular C++ translation it actually breaks things. There are some includes missing here and there in the translation, and the problem is that using namespace std; seems to be necessary in solution (but it's not) because it is missing in another place (specifically, in tests).

    This is a valid issue, and code of snippets should be corrected: missing includes should be added, and usings should be added where necessary, and removed where unnecessary.

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    The "Setup" solution has "using namespace std;". Maybe it is not the best way but it is there and is needed.

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    Not a kata suggestion!

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    I had simular issue. You should check if you processing correctrly cases where more then two chained operators. Like a < b < c < d.

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    In real-life I guess capacity doesn't mean very much other than as a rough guide...

    e.g. Capacity = 8 but Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in a lift is not the same as Snow White and the Seven Sumo Wrestlers in a lift!

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    In real life would a lift know its capacity? I'm not sure it would, but I don't know for sure. If it could then I agree with your point!

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    Difference is you are on a lower version of Node here which doesn't give you access to BigInt (the easy solution)

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    Banning specific operations, changing ranks and changing solution setups are too late as it will invalidate all solutions & require change in all languages