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    I agree: "Ghost objects are given a random color attribute"

    The color is an "attribute" of the object. So it should not change with each call to color.

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    Maybe the instructions have changed, but as they read now, I agree with vajdagabor. Currently the instructions say this:
    ghost =
    ghost.color #=> "white" or "yellow" or "purple" or "red"
    In my reading, that means that the ghost object will always return the same color. The color is not returned on instantiation, it's returned on a the .color method call of that particular instance of the Ghost class.

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    I agree with eik3 definition of the expected task. I also though it should assing color only upon initialization. Yet Denym is totally right. If so, then the kata creator should of defined this with a test.

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    Then the submit test cases should be different :)

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    That's how I read the description, it says "given random color when instantiated". I expect a valid solution to work this way:

    a =
    b =
    a.color #=> 'red'
    a.color #=> 'red'
    b.color #=> 'white'
    b.color #=> 'white'
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    Nice and clean solution, however the pageItemCount method is not correct:

    p = new PaginationHelper([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 4);
    p.pageItemCount(1) ;   // --> this returns 0 instead of 4
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    Good call. I've sent a new solution with this corrected regexp:
