Really like this one! It's have a perfect balance between complexity and simplicity. My only suggestion is maybe make description is more explicit? I was need to read the Wikipedia before start because I don't understand how cypher work. Or maybe it's just me.
I think this solution is fit perfect for given description. The only one thing which I would correct is implode($arr). There is no need in delimiter at all.
=m if such a n exists or -1 if there is no such n.
OP has implemented the logic, it is basically summation of cubes of numbers from 1 to ... until it reaches or surpasses
I'm looking atht explination and just don't understand how it works. I'm going to have to study the wiki for this one as well.
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I agree. I think test cases doesn't cover all. In my first solution I skip lower case everything except first character and I pass it.
Really like this one! It's have a perfect balance between complexity and simplicity. My only suggestion is maybe make description is more explicit? I was need to read the Wikipedia before start because I don't understand how cypher work. Or maybe it's just me.
I think this solution is fit perfect for given description. The only one thing which I would correct is implode($arr). There is no need in delimiter at all.
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str_split() is one which I need to remember. Doesn't use it and create arrays from strings in a strange manner.
Doesn't know that first parameter is optional, thank to you will be use it in future :)
I know there must be function for that but I can't find it in PHP manual and don't want to just google it. Thank you for sharing your knowlendge!