In PHP, assuming the kata aims for strict comparison, it needs to add a fixed test like:
function a(){}; $a = ["a", 1, false]; $b = [0, true, a(), "b"];
That would invalidate some solutions (mine included x_x) that uses built-in functions with non-strict comparison.
CoffeeScript translation
Python and Ruby: the number of tests is so small some inputs may not be generated at all.
Sorry but such an example has been attached before - try to add some extra options.
Please, your anti-cheat is a black box that nobody knows how it works.
Dont work correctly in Java
Too simple even for an 8 kyu. I would add some edge cases like negative prices for example.
static keyword is missing in the method declaration and you are giving the answer to the people.
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JavaScript version needs random test cases
C#: The solution is already provided.
Needs random test cases
Javascript version of Kata is seriously lacking in both fixed and random tests.
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, assuming the kata aims for strict comparison, it needs to add a fixed test like:That would invalidate some solutions (mine included x_x) that uses built-in functions with non-strict comparison.
CoffeeScript translation
Python and Ruby: the number of tests is so small some inputs may not be generated at all.
Sorry but such an example has been attached before - try to add some extra options.
Please, your anti-cheat is a black box that nobody knows how it works.
Dont work correctly in Java
Too simple even for an 8 kyu. I would add some edge cases like negative prices for example.
static keyword is missing in the method declaration and you are giving the answer to the people.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
JavaScript version needs random test cases
C#: The solution is already provided.
Needs random test cases
Needs random test cases
Javascript version of Kata is seriously lacking in both fixed and random tests.
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