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    element lookup and removal in sets is much much faster than arrays

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    Thank you for javascript translation :)

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    Thank you so much for for haskell translation :)

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    Thanks for the problems you provided i will try to solve them, also i have no hate for codewars or dans,if i hated it i wouldnt be here i just want it to improve and make more people join it, that is the reason i even created 3 katas.Codewars is the best website for training if you are a beginner or intermediate programmer .I also recommended it to My friend who just got into programming but it doesnt have much high quality problems and unique ones compared to other sites.

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    If u want i can challenge you at codeforces and we will see who does better in contest there and i already wasted enough of my time here so i am not going to reply here again.

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    lol theres difference between writing an interpreter and solving hard algorithmic questions.If a 1 kyu cant use a simple divide and conquer technique thats a disgrace.For example there are 6500+ problems here i can solve 4k of them given enough time without looking at their solution.On CF there are 7k+ problems but i cant even solve 1000+ of them without looking at editorial once.We cant directly compare the problem difficult here but in my opinion problems are CF or atcoder requires more algorithmic knowlege and more knowledge of advanced data structures.Competitve programming is not much useful in software enginnering and i dont have any hate for codewars its just mods mostly approve problems that are easy and problems that they can solve.

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    i didnt insult anyone but most of the times the easiest level problems are codeforces are harder than the hardest ones here just my opinion.And i dont want to waste my life solving 5k questions of 6 kyu to get to 1 dan personally and i said 95% problems here are implementation based not 100%.There are lots of good problem too but mostly its just implementation stuff going on here.
    I dont care about ranks too much as a redcoder can easily surpass Linus torwalds or Dennis retchie in problem solving.Also programming is much more than solving problems on websites

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    Hard stuff here are just very hard implementation problems most of the time, and i feel like solving them is a waste of time as they doesnt teach us anything new.There is nothign wrong with that but its just i like spending time on algorithmic problems more.Also whats difference between 1 kyu and 1 dan here i dont get it.

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    lol to be clear majority of the problems can be solved by anyone and 1 dan guys only like eazy peazy problems.I dare you to solve problems are atcoder and codeforces :D

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    Yea you are right,I would keep that in mind in future katas.Its just i find 95% problems here are just implemantation based ,so i thought of making a different problem.

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    Well thats a relief , if a 1 dan cant solve a problem so they just downvote it rather than learning something new.

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    Recursion is implemented as stacks or similar constructs in the actual interpreters or compilers. So you certainly can convert a recursive function to an iterative counterpart because that's how it's always done (if automatically).Church-turing thesis proves it, also ackerman function can be converter to an iterative function

    def acker(m,n):
        right = [m]
        result = n
        i = 0
        while True:
            if len(right) == 0:
            if right[i] > 0 and result > 0:
                right[i] -= 1
                result -= 1
                i += 1
            elif right[i] > 0 and result == 0:
                right[i] -= 1
                result = 1
            elif right[i] == 0:
                result += 1
                i -=1
        return result

    Well i am not a mathematician so i dont know the details of church turing thesis.
    Also I am going to change the description of kata , so that people can use loops and that it wont be considered as cheating.
    I dont think div-conq solution is faster, i think if anything it would be slower than loops.

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    Alright thanks for you help.I dont think there exist a solution by recusion that cant be solved by loop and every recursive solution can be converted to loops.Also i find the solution by Divide and conquer easier than the Solution that uses loops.Also there are not many problems which can be solved by Divide and Conquer technique other than the classic ones like merge sort and closest-pair.So i find this problem to be one of the best way to polish our skills of div-conq.

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    Can you help me with properly enforcing it?

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