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    It's true, thanks for replying!

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    99/10 results in 9, not 9.9. Integer division.

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    I got confused, for example with the entry n = 99.
    I know that in the first step of the recursion the result is 81, but when It comes to the next step, the conditional gives you that you have to square the BASE (1010) and this is multiplied with the function with the entry (99/10)
    and back to the function again, 9.9 is minor than BASE, so I return 9.9
    9.9 and this is multiplied with (10*10) and this is summed with 81 (the first step) and the result is 9882, which I don't understand why is not correct. Please can you explain how it works with this specific example??

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    This is the most clever solution I've found here!!
    I like it a lot, thanks for sharing