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    Yes, this is Kotlin.

    I assumed that the description of the kata is common to all languages, but I learn that it is necessary to indicate the language

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    Error in examples in task description:
    "filterList(ListOf(1, 2, "a", "b", 0, 15)) == [1,0,15]
    filterList(ListOf(1, 2, "a", "b", "aasf", "1", "123", 231)) == [1,2,123]"

    There are no these errors in the test tasks

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    It seems that the tests do not take into account some cases, such as
    assertEquals("32 is 17+3+3+3+3+3", 6, CodeWare2.solve(32,new int[]{17, 14, 3}));

    The tests correspond to a simpler task, and you probably need to specify it in the description.

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    s.charAt(i) - returns the character code from the ASCII table. The number codes are sequential: '0', '1', '2' ... '9' or in the form of code 48, 49, 50 ... 57. For example, "2".charAt(0) = '2' or 50 (character value and code), but we need to get the number 2,to do this, we just need to subtract the character code '0' (48). "2".charAt(0) - '0' = 50 - 48 = 2

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    It was difficult and very interesting!

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    Great kata! In the java version, there is a typo in the class name "FixProgession" instead of "FixProgression" (there are no errors in other languages with the class name).

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    I suppose a typo in the task description, it should train 2 hours and not 3.
    Original text: Gooble that starts with S=100 and a schedule that reads TTCCB would instruct the Gooble to train for 3 hours

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    According to the text of the task "(e and f integers >= 0)", but in tests they can be negative. Until I removed the checks for negativity, I could not pass the tests.