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    GJ then, hope it'll help some1 else :)

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    [HINT] Imagne that you have a queue of 5 people. Everytime someone buys a drink he clone himself and they (he himself, and his clone) move to the back of the queue. So for instance after 3rd people took the drink queue looks like this:
    initial state [x,y,z,a,b] => x takes the drink => [y, z, a, b, x, x] - note that last index is in real life last guy in queue => y takes the drink => [z, a, b, x, x, y, y] => one eternity later and suddenly you have a queue looking like this [x.... x^n, y.... y^n and so on] so that basically means that x-ish would be taking drinks for another eternity cloning himself each time.

    I know that this kata is a little stupid cause how the heck people can clone :D

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