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    wow... something funny happened. I was solving this problem, then clicked to "Submit" button and passed all unit tests and had start
    to work on re-factoring. Then I found that I have exactly same task opened in another window, so I closed it. When I
    got back to re-factoring I clicked to "Submit" once again and "Output" field was "white" colored and there was no text
    at all... So, I thought probably some problem with the connection and I refreshed the window. Usually if you do this
    you can see your last changes but in this case I lost all my changes. One minute later I found out that I got points for this
    task... So I went to profile info and hey, I got +1 to completed tasks... When I tried to take a look at the solution I "submit"
    I saw "There are no solutions yet for this kata.". But in "Completed" history I can see my solution (which I didn't finish
    to re-factory actually). Plus I can see everything under "Solutions" tab.

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    @42Mo, probably you round your result wrong. So it means if your result is 11.2 you should round to 12, not 11, because
    otherwise you would not have enough wallpapers. Cheers ;)

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    I am not quite sure this problem is still actual, but you can go to "Account Settings" (the top right corner on your screen, under avatar image) and remove your account from there (or maybe simply change your email to another one). But as it was explained your account will stay, only associated personal info will be removed.