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    "There will be a next kata with numDiv < 10000"
    numDiv=9999 and the decision will, by all appearances, be = 91695537858773979462999063778453094400
    BigInt (for JavaScript, for example) allowed?

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    I have understood. It has turned out that there was simply "not enough" list of prime numbers.
    At increase in the list to 173 (would be possible less) the mistake was gone.

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    Somebody can explain how to understand a mistake:
    [2492, 1988] should equal [2492, 1988, 8253] in ATTEMPT?

    "RUN SAMPLE TESTS" passes without mistakes.
    4 tests pass in "ATTEMPT".
    The fifth gives a mistake:
    "[2492, 1988] should equal [2492, 1988, 8253]"
    My code for all numbers - 2492, 1988, 8253 - gives identical number of dividers - 12.
    And findNumberWithMostDivisors ([2492, 1988]) gives out [2492, 1988],
    and findNumberWithMostDivisors([2492, 1988, 8253]) - [2492, 1988, 8253].
    What has to be equal to what in
    [2492, 1988] should equal [2492, 1988, 8253]

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    I have checked in "RUN TESTS" of value pascal (1), pascal (2)... pascal(7).
    Example Test Cases set in such form: Similar (pascal(7), [[1],[1,1],[1,2,1],[1,3,3,1],[1,4,6,4,1],[1,5,10,10,5,1],[1,6,15,20,15,6,1]]) for depth=7, for example. All Tests Passed. But the first test doesn't pass in "SUBMIT" for pascal(1). The answer is expected in a look '' [1]] ". It is obviously possible to set in "SUBMIT" if (depth === 1) return '[[1]]' and then the first test will pass, but following naturally isn't. (In "RUN TESTS" the first test then gives at once a mistake.)
    Considering that 862 of 2255 people have solved this problem, there is no mistake in tests.
    Just I, and not only I, don't understand something.
    The author couldn't comment on this situation?

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    Somebody can explain why in "RUN TESTS" pascal(1) Value ==' [[1]]',
    and in "SUBMIT" the same, apparently, of pascal (1) Expected: '' [1]] " ???

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    You aren't right. I too so thought, haven't guessed yet as to solve it.
    And in the decision it isn't necessary to divide large numbers. Only to multiply :).

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    Thanks! I have inattentively read a condition :(
    And, in general, quite attractive problem :)

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    Last test is testing(powerSumDigTerm(4), 4913)
    4+9+1+3 = 17; 17**4 = 83521 != 4913
    And how someone could pass this test?

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    Thanks for the explanation/assumption.

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    What means the comment after submit final: "There was an issue submitting your final solution"?
    I have solved this a Kata, have made "SUBMIT FINAL" - all OK. Then "Tray Again",
    have made small corrections to the solution.
    RUN TESTS - OK, SUBMIT - OK, SUBMIT FINAL - "There was an issue submitting your final solution".
    And my solution wasn't redefined!
    I can't change own solution?