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    Intersting... very intersing. I tested 275*+ and 75*2+ ova here and both give same result 37. But ofc, you said in your 1st sentence of 1st comment that that is not the end goal.

    I must apply the rules to create the correct postfix, or so I understand. So basically whenever confronted with such a choice, my code should dump all the signs at the end.

    Sidenote - first time heard bijection but don't see why there is no bijection between 2+7*5 & 75*2...

    wtf. Lol i won't delete what I wrote, you're right! I see the bijection now! So basically my funk's ouptut should have the numbers in same order as they're given in the inputted infix string.

    Thanks a ton for your wonderful help & enlightenment of this simpleton! There's no way i'll be able to convert the solution in my brain to actual code lol, but at least good to know that my brain can solve this correctly now.

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    I'm sorry but i don't follow you, could you please elaborate?

    The kata is not interested in testing if you returned any postfix expression that evaluates the same as the infix input.

    But i thought that is exactly what needs to be done. My func needs to return a postfix string, which when evaluated should equal the inputted infix str's evluation. Isn't that the whole point?

    Your 2nd sentence totally went over my smooth brain. 3rd sentence yes agreed, order of nos is same, but order of the signs can be different & yet give the same answer.

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    Can someone explain why 275*+ and not 75*2+ is the correct answer to 2+7*5? Shouldn't both answers be acceptable?

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    thank you will check it out.

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    What's the point of a spoiler flag in a solutions thread?

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    @teoretik-eugene - Dude I love you, thank you. Taking your advice I was finally able to solve this. I'll leave this magical explanation of BFS algo here:

    Just a single watch of that video, then i got down to writing my code from scratch, & within 15 mins my code passed all the tests. I don't know what is magical about that video but it helped me solve the problem without thinking at all.

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    Thanks, I need to wring my brains

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Lend me your brains o kind soul

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    Nice useful in real life work Kata, iLike!

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    Our codes look so shit compared to these 1 liners :'(

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    Ouch this one is tough... still can't figure out how to solve it, although I understood the problem fine for once.

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    This would've been crazy to solve without looking at the inputs being supplied.

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    I came to the comments hoping to find fellow lamebrains goung "wth is this, can't understand sit"... turns out i'm the only lamebrain :( #fbm

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    I love your regex formatting though... must remember to comment it so well in this \n formatting.

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