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    I can't. You can't. Nobody can. Retirement is final.

    The only option is to publish a new kata, and if you do that with the same subject matter, (a) it's going to get retired again for the same reasons this one was and (b) your ability to publish kata at all will probably be taken away from you.

    Please understand Codewars does not exist so you can publish your kata no mtter what; that's not what it's for. Yes, Codewars has kata, yes new kata can be published, but there are standards for that. You are failing to meet those standards in several ways.

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    That's not how it works. If you reinvented General Relativity from scratch, it would still be attributed to Albert Einstein.

    I don't doubt that you came up with this idea yourself! But if it already exists, it's still a duplicate.

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    I literally quoted your description. Copy - paste.

    It says the third line has four items.

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    Please stop.

    Codewars does not exist so you can create kata - it exists so you can solve kata.

    You should either create good kata, or you should not be doing it. Asking for redundant results is not good kata design.

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    You should write more solutions to other people's kata.

    Also, you should read more Discourse on other people's kata, you should read test suites of other people's kata, and you should read the Codewars Docs.

    This will help you get a better feel what does and does not make a good kata.

    Creating kata is not a right, it's a privilege. It's also of a completely different order than solving them. Anybody can solve a kata, and there are no restrictions on how good your solution must be or how bad your solution can be. Creating a kata, however, creates actual content for others to solve, and is ( rightfully! ) held to quite high standards.

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    You are effectively asking for a reverse triangle number. The rest is fluff ( and some of the expected value is redundant, which doesn't help ).

    Reverse triangle number has been done. You cannot publish this kata and expect it to live to approval. Duplicates will be retired, if not automatically then manually ( in time ).

    What you need is an original idea. Which is hard, because literally ten thousand ideas have already been done. But it's not impossible.

    Instead of focusing on publishing your duplicate idea as a kata ( which will not add value to Codewars ), focus on having ideas that would add value to Codewars when published as a kata.

    Also, read available documentation on how to create ( your first ) kata, and follow that guidance. Do not hit Publish until your kata ticks the boxes - concise, complete, correct description; example, edge case and random tests. Get reviews while your kata is still in Draft - people on Discord can help you with that.

    But first and foremost, reason not from what you want, but from what adds value to Codewars. Duplicate kata do not add value to Codewars.

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    It's been retired, so it can't be published